5+ hours - On the day of your session, you will come with a list of questions that you want answered by your Higher Self. This can include questions re: healing the body/mind, breaking patterns, releasing stuck trauma, finding the root causes of illnesses, as well as your life purpose & gifts, karmic contracts, ET/ soul family connections, etc

  • Category: QHHT® Session
  • Service Duration: 05:00 Hours
  • Address: Sarasota, FL, USA (Map)
  • More Info: Please note, Not all dates on my calendar are available - please contact me for up to date availability.
  • Price:$595



When you arrive we will sit and talk and get to know each other and discuss what you want to achieve with this  experience.  I will guide you about how to make the best connection with your Higher Self/ Subconscious  to obtain this deep state of relaxation, and to let go and allow yourself to have the experience.     Once we start the regression process you’ll be under for 2 hours or a bit longer.   This part of the session is recorded for you as people remember varying amounts. 

By the end of a session, one thing is for sure. You will not be the same person full of questions that you were at the beginning of the session. It’s common for clients to come out of hypnosis with a look of awe and wonder of now knowing the answers to all their questions and to have healing of their body.  That is the beauty of QHHT. You are gently guided into a very deep state of hypnosis ( theta) where you have access to that bigger part of you that knows all the answers! This is a multi-dimensional experience and once having it you should have clear understanding of how to maintain this connection to your High Self in your quiet time, meditation or theta state.

Please note:  Not all dates in my calendar are available - please reach out for up to date availability.